Many of our academic programs at GCC offer you the opportunity to earn an Associate of Arts 学位 (A.A.),理学lol菠菜竞猜(文学学士).S.)、应用科学lol菠菜竞猜(A.A.S.)、证书或微证书. Each offers you a different opportunity within your field of study.
艺术协会(A associate of Arts.A.) 学位 includes 45 credit hours of liberal arts education and prepares you for seamless transfer to a four-year institution with a focus on areas such as Theatre Arts, 人文学科, 及社会科学.
获得理学lol菠菜竞猜(A.S.) 学位 from any of our academic programs will set the groundwork for you to excel in today’s competitive work environment. 通过与转学顾问合作, you will take the necessary introductory courses recognized by many four-year institutions as general education requirements, and also have the opportunity to begin exploring your desired field of study. 获得A.S. 学位 from GCC is a cost-effective way to continue your education and earn your Bachelor’s 学位 from a four-year institution.
应用科学副学士(学士学位.A.S.) 学位 prepares you for entry-level positions in your desired field of study. This 学位 is specifically designed for students who are eager to venture into the workforce upon graduation from GCC. 一个一个.A.S. 学位 will provide you with a strong foundation of important concepts, 原则, 以及你所在领域的方法, as well as allow you to transfer to a four-year institution, 如果你选择.
如果你已经在工作了, earning a 证书 in a specific academic program will allow you to change careers or even earn a promotion within your company. A 证书 will also give you the opportunity to develop a deeper background in the field you are already employed in. You can expand your understanding of a specific field by applying all courses within the 证书 program toward earning an A.A.S. 学位.